Financial advisers
Advising today requires high quality service and increased transparency in order to deliver good service.
Your commitment is important,
and so is ours

Custodian Life believes by offering excellent service, an open architecture and transparency model that provides timely and accurate information to our Financial Advisers, along with a fair compensation model, we will gain loyalty in return.
We believe it is about relationships. Relationships between the Client, the Financial Adviser and Custodian Life. Further, we regard loyalty, commitment and transparency to be cornerstones in a good relationship. Our staff is trained and well educated in order to help build a good relationship and to provide our Financial Advisers with first class service.
Other than the outstanding service we provide, we also offer our Financial Advisers a state of the art online platform with innovative insurance products, services and online trading facilities. Through the online platform, our Financial Advisers are able to find all information related to their Clients’ policies and underlying investments. The balance of power is shifting towards the Customer and we thrive to meet the Customers’ expectations by adopting more flexible services approaches that leverage the Internet, adopting mobile platforms and other evolving technologies.
We have chosen to build our organisational structure, product structure, sales approach, and the use of high technological IT-solutions based on the demand from the market today and tomorrow. The way we have built our organisation gives us a competitive edge in the way that we will be unique and are able to release better products and customized products more quickly and cheaply. We are also unique in the way we interact with our Policyholders and Financial Advisers.
The integration of offered policies with unit-linked characteristics with an online trading platform with Custodian Life’s branding ultimately make us one of a kind on the market.
Terms of Business
We are delighted that you are looking to establish a business relationship with Custodian Life. It is our job to ensure that you enjoy a first class experience with Custodian Life and we are confident that you will.
You should find that our Support & Administration, Sales, Marketing Support and Product Development functions have been carefully structured to enable you to write business efficiently.
Please contact us at our sales office, with any questions on how to get started. We look forward to a long and rewarding future together.
Client Manager
As a provider of investment bonds, Custodian Life is pleased to offer you convenient, secure online access to your insurance company and policy accounts. Sign in to access your accounts anytime, from anywhere you have a secure Internet connection.
Client Manager gives you access to all your Clients’ policies including policy values, transaction history, and more. Illustrations can be created to illustrate how polices could be setup with different charging and commission structures.

How Custodian Life compensates Financial Advisers
Financial adviser compensation can be a complex mixture of commission-based pay, asset-based pay and incentives related to meeting other key objectives and metrics.
Financial adviser pay based on commissions is the traditional method within the financial services industry. This is shorthand for saying that Clients are charged a fee, usually a commission, for each security transaction made, whether to buy or to sell. The Financial Adviser, in turn, receives a portion of these commission back as compensation.
An increasingly popular option for Financial Adviser pay is based upon the value of the financial assets in the policyholder’s account. This way of compensate the Financial Adviser is called asset-based pay.
Custodian Life primarily compensate Financial Adviser’s based on the fees and commission that the Policyholder pay us according to the products and services the Policyholder choose.

Obligations of the Financial Adviser

As a Custodian Life Financial Adviser you have obligations to Custodian Life and your Clients, i.e. our Policyholders.
You should be fully aware of the provisions of Bermuda laws and regulations as well as of the laws and regulations in any other jurisdiction you are operating in or which may otherwise apply to your business activity relating to money laundering, terrorist financing and investment or management of assets deriving from a criminal activity.
You shall represent that you are subject to adequate supervision and an adequate set of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regulations in your home jurisdiction and shall remit to us evidence demonstrating such supervision by the relevant authorities.
You have no authority to act or appear to act as an employee, representative, agent, executive and/or officer of Custodian Life nor to sign or otherwise incur any liabilities of any nature on behalf of Custodian Life. You are not entitled to sub-contract any of your obligations to us.
Further you should manage your Clients’ assets faithfully and carefully, in compliance with the law and practice of your profession and within the limits of the powers you have been given by your clients.
We expect that you recognize every Client as unique and approach each relationship similar to these five steps:
1. Understanding your Client. Your relation starts with a frank conversation to help you thoroughly understand your Client’s goals, tolerance for risk and particular needs.
2. Analyzing your Client’s needs. You and your Client review and analyze your Client’s current financial situation and evaluate various strategies that could be employed to help your Client to reach your Clients goals.
3. Tailoring your Client’s solution. You should evaluate and recommend the appropriate combination of investments for your Client’s strategy, and make sure that your Client understand them.
4. Carrying out your Client’s choices. You should help your Client to implement the investment strategy that your Client have chosen.
5. You should stay committed to your Client. You should maintain an ongoing commitment to the relationship through regular contact, timely account information, and seeing that your Client’s questions or concerns are resolved.
Custodian Life | Century House, 16 Par-la-Ville Road, Hamilton HM 08, Bermuda |
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